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Benefits of emotional heartbreak

Hence, I bring to you few benefits of heart break to mankind.

It prepares you ahead of further shock by knowing the truth :
When you are jilted by the one you love or those you you cherished alot, it makes you wiser and prepares you for further occurrence sooner or later.

You learn to be alone :
I am sure you will agree with me that human beings are social animals, but when the situations of life threatening one's happiness happened,  one got try to be alone from all acquaintances. Regardless of how important they are to us. You use that time to embark on logical thinking to bounce back.

It allows you to know your worth :
Remember, you may not know the value of what you have until you loose it,  therefore,  when you suffers an heartbreak, it allow you to know your worth to those who claimed they loved you.

You learn to apply common sense in showing love:
Once bitten, twice shy,  when you experienced heartbreak, you become very careful when next you are being toasted like bread with sweet words. You learn from it and apply wisdom in case of next time,so that, no one will play with your feelings again.

It allow you to know part of your alter ego:
I really love Bob Marley, he once said, "you never know how stronger you are, until being strong is the only choice you have " in applying this, you can never know some other things about yourself until you are being tested and treated like a garbage. You may not know certain aspect of your personality until you experience heart break.

You become strongest ever:
Have you watched Mark Henry on WWE, the strongest man in the world .many wrestlers fears him because of his physique and courage to beat anyone. Same applies to you too, when you experienced heartbreak, you become stronger than ever because of resilence. Experience is the best teacher.

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